Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I Can't Stands No More!

Okay...let us first admit that what happened in Arizona was a great tragedy. Let us also admit that Jared Lee Loughner is a giant douche that deserves to be punished for his actions to the fullest extent of the law. Now that we have the disclaimers out of the way, let me tell you why I am here today. It isn't about the stupid whack job that decided to go on a shooting spree, I think he is getting way too much press as it is. Nay nay...this is about the rest of the world....well, the part of the world that has been brainwashed by religion...and the excuses that they are making for him.

What the hell am I talking about? Let me start with Facebook. Many of my religious friends (yes, I can be friends with "those people") keep pointing out this stupid New York Daily News article about this turd and his "Satanic Shrine". Number one....let me tell you ALL...there is absolutely NOTHING Satanic about his "shrine".
What in this picture could be considered "Satanic"? Is it the potting soil? Is it the candles? Is it the plant pot? Nay must be the human skull! The fact that the skull looks like it was purchased at the Dollar Store around Halloween is beside the point. This is the photo that has stirred all of the "Satanic" controversy. Does this photo scare you? Does this look like something Satanic? Minus the Dollar Store skull, this could be in any of your back yards. Hell....this probably IS in Melanie's back yard!

Let me give you a quick lesson on Satanism. Number one...Satanists do not believe in "Satan" as an entity any more than they believe in "God". There is no worship of the Devil as you know it. This is a common misconception and I will not fault you for thinking that this was true. Satanists do not believe in human sacrifice (as you may have thought they did). Satanists are very much....Humanists. The only reason that Christianity hasn't taken Satanic rites as their own, is that Satanism started so late. Christianity swallowed many Pagan religions by adapting pieces of their customs in order to convert their followers. Altars, wine (blood), exorcism, ascension....the list goes on. These are all elements of past Pagan religions that you find in current Christian belief. But enough of that.

The fact that everyone is saying that this guy is a Satanist disturbs me. What this guy an ass hole. They are trying to say that he is mentally ill. Nay nay...he is a fuck stick. The pushing of this "mentally ill" angle is going to keep him well cared for, for the rest of his life. He will be found guilty of murder and placed in a mental hospital until he dies of old age. If he is found mentally ill, it is illegal to give him the death penalty. Let us just say that he is an idiot and put him to death. Alright...enough. I have stands all I can stands, and I can't stands no more! Stop calling this guy a Satanist, stop calling him mentally ill, just call him what he is....a future death row inmate. Until next time.....Stay Salty!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliantly put my friend. Maybe you should be working for the Church (you know which one) as a reactive press-release agent.
