Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Have Found The Weapons of Mass Destruction...

Welcome aboard true believers! I was trolling through the interweb on my google machine, and came across some interesting "news" articles. The advantage to just scrolling through news with no agenda is the gems that you find that would normally be passed over. As my journey took me from the New York Times to the Bristol Herald Courier, I saw many stories that most of you see on the evening news. What I did find, that those of you watching television outside of Bristol, VA will not, was the story that inspired today's blog entry.

So there I this not the way every good story starts? Scouring the news stories for something interesting to read, I came across this little gem entitled "Blame the victim: Religious leaflet claims ‘ungodly’ dressed women provoke rape" I will let that simmer for a second before I continue....... okay, everyone ready to continue? Nineteen-year-old Keshia Canter handed three burgers, fries and milkshakes to a car-load of Tuesday afternoon customers at the Hi-Lo Burger’s drive-though window. A lady sitting in the backseat leaned forward, between the two men in front, and handed her a leaflet that said, “Women & Girls” across the top.
“Even though nothing is showing, you’re being ungodly,” the woman told her. “You make men want to be sinful.” “You may have been given this leaflet because of the way you are dressed,” it begins. “Have you thought about standing before the true and living God to be judged?” What do you say to that? You are 19 years old, working the drive-through, and some religious nut job hands you this crap. Do you reply, "Thanks, would you like ketchup with that?"

As the story goes on, this same pamphlet states that rape victims are usually not "victims" at all, but the perpetrators! The theory here is that most rape victims would not have been raped had they not dressed the way they did. The religious nut job view is that the women forced the men to rape them because of their clothing. Who are these people? Women are making men rape...not only is this an insane statement on its own merit, but to think that a man would be so weak that a halter top and a mini skirt would cause him to commit a felony. This would mean that every waitress at Hooters was asking to be raped, and every customer was an unsuspecting rapist!

This story is one of many brought to you by the letter S, the number 3, and the religious whack jobs. I am not saying that all religion is bad. I am of the theory, "as long as you have something to believe in, good for you." It is the hardcore religious right that brings forth the lunatics. The ones that read the bible and twist it so badly that even the pope couldn't tell the difference between a verse from it and a verse from Come on Eileen by Dexi's Midnight Runners. Don't judge me, that was an awesome song! The majority of you will be singing it for the rest of the night, and for that you are welcome. But, as I titled this blog.. I have found the weapons of mass destruction....religion. Consult your history children, more blood has been spilled in the name of a god, than in every Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movie combined. Now that is a lot of blood, just ask Tom Savini and Kevin Yager. Okay kiddies, I guess that is all I have to say for now. Wouldn't want to offend the religious head cases that are too conservative and close minded to have an intelligent debate with me anyway. So, until next time...Stay Salty!

-Salty Dog

1 comment:

  1. I would like to say as a victim myself, the fateful night that helped add to my anxiety attacks, depression, and insomnia I was clad in the oh so sexy Hoodie and jeans. Now I can clearly see how that revealing outfit and my hair pulled back in a ponytail and no make-up on at all can push a man to do the unthinkable. I was surely asking for some grotesque fat man to shove a foul rag in my mouth, put a knife to my neck, and take from me my sanity. People like that make me sick! How dare they say ANY woman asked for it!!! They need to have it done to them and see how they feel!
