Monday, February 22, 2010

In The Navy....You Can Sail The Seven Seas!

Maybe YMCA was more your favorite Village People song? Sorry, maybe next time I'll make the effort to take a Village People poll. But I digress. What brings us all together today, children? My Navy, and our country.

So, during my 19+ years of Naval service I have seen it all. Been all over the world, met all kinds of people both military and civilian. I have served beside some of the most patriotic men that you have ever met in your life. They were there to defend their country, the paycheck was a bonus! I have met many strong guys, both mentally and physically...and I was proud to have served with them. Did I care what their sexual orientation was? "Whoa there Salty, this is sacred ground you are stepping on!" Hear me out....

As everyone knows, the President is trying to repeal the military's "Don't ask, don't tell" Policy. For those of you who have been living in a cave since the Clinton administration, let me fill you in. The "don't ask, don't tell" policy, enacted under President "Slick Willie" Clinton in 1993, bars openly gay, lesbian and bisexual individuals from serving in the U.S. military, but prevents the military from asking a service member's sexual orientation. It has been a political lightning rod since its implementation. My question about this has always been a political one. How is it that the left leaning Democrat who loves the poor, the gay, the minorities...the Democrat (and yes, I am a registered Democrat, so fuck off before you start claiming I am some lean to the right, bible thumping Republican) is the one that enacted this policy that basically told the gay, lesbian, and bisexual portion of the Armed Forces that they could not be themselves? They were forced to hide who they were if they wanted to continue to serve their country. Thousands who were found out, were discharged from service.

The current Commander in Chief feels that it is time to repeal this ridiculous act. I, for one, am with him. I have seen too many good sailors sent packing not because of their lack of qualifications, not because of gross misconduct, not because of inability to do their job. Nay, they were sent packing because of who and how they chose to love. I know people that got out of the Navy because they didn't want to have to hide who they were anymore. Good, highly qualified individuals turned their back on the Navy (which would not accept them as they were) because they had to act like someone that they were not. Let me tell you, true believers, if I am fighting a fire in a main engine room, or firing 25mm rounds at an incoming attack boat, or doing an emergency anchorage because the ship is going to run aground....I do not ask the guy next to me about his sexual orientation! Now, would I feel uncomfortable showering with a guy that I knew was gay? I do not think for one minute that a gay sailor is going to come up to me and make a move on me in the shower. The homophobes that are going to use this as their reasoning have more issues than fear of homosexuals.

This is a "hot button issue" in the military right now, and I can't understand why. Things like this make me feel like the old salty dog that I am. "The Navy I am in now isn't the same one that I joined!" It is obviously time for me to retire NOT because of this current proposal..but because of how the people are reacting to it. The fact that someone's sexual preference is a determining factor in any situation is enough to make me sick. If you want to fight for your country, and are willing to put your life on the line right next to me...I don't care if you like guys, girls, or both. As long as you are qualified to do your job and you are watching my back, all are welcome. As a nation built on the principle of equality, we should recognize and welcome change that will build a stronger, more cohesive military. Until next time...Stay Salty.

Salty Dog


  1. Very well said Jamie. My hat's off to you and the others out there like you who are smart enough to not only see past someone's sexual orientation, but to not even see it at all.

    I think it's a travesty that you are not part of the Navy's leadership core.

  2. Very well written, Salty. I agree with you 100% - in the middle of a life threatening situation, do you really think someone will be checking out your ass? They'll be trying to save theirs....and yours.
