Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stupidity Should Be Painful

Stupidity should be painful. Now, stupidity by others often causes pain to everyone else. Whether the pain be physical based on their action, or (as is usually the case) mental pain from having to listen to them. In my humble opinion, there should be a way to inflict this pain on the stupid person in question.
Can you imagine seeing someone come in to your office holding their head because they are in pain? You would have a clear understanding of their situation and know to avoid them like the plague! Imagine hailing a cab and the cab driver is screaming in pain... you would let him pass and wait for the next one. This way you wouldn't have to endure his stupidity for your entire journey. For us north-easterners....imagine if you will, your local (Sl)Amtrak conductor running around the station with both hands against his ears. How many people would have been saved?
"What brings this topic to mind today?", you may be thinking? Well, my fine feathered friends...snow. Snow in Virginia. The weathermen/women have been telling us for days "there is a winter snow storm that is going to slam the area. Expect 4-24 inches starting Saturday at 1am and lasting through Sunday". That is a pretty clear statement. They follow this by saying, "If you don't ABSOLUTELY NEED to leave the house, please stay at home." I woke up this morning at 7:30 to find approximately 5 inches of snow in my yard. What do you know? The weather man was right! Now..I don't proclaim to be in possession of higher intelligence, but I am no idiot either. I turn on the news at 7:45 to see that there were 27 accidents this morning. It is Saturday..the malls are closed, government buildings (state and federal) are closed, the fundraiser for Haiti at Mt. Trashmore...cancelled. What people ABSOLUTELY NEEDED to leave the house today? I will tell you. Stupid people! 90% of the Hampton Roads residents are military families or retired military. 75% of those people came from other states that didn't ever get snow. It has not SNOWED in Hampton Roads since 2005. What makes these people think that they have the ability, training, or experience necessary to drive with snow on the ground? I (as most of you know) was born and raised in the great state of New York. We saw snow EVERY winter (and even one strange October). I have not left my house today...nor do I plan to. Is that because I feel that I have forgotten how to drive in the snow? No. It is because stupid people who THINK that they can drive in the snow. I do not trust anyone else on the road to know what the hell they are doing.
Again...if these people felt the pain of stupidity, they would either be unable to drive OR take the friggin hint that if they are in that much pain, MAYBE they were about to do something stupid and change their minds.
Okay people..if you are with me on this, please sound off on facebook. If you are not, you might fall into the category of people that are out driving today instead of sitting at home enjoying your family and a nice fire in the fireplace. Alright true believers, sit back and relax....hope you are enjoying the ride!
-Salty Dog


  1. isnt it true though i mean does anybody have the sense to just stay home when everyt news stations says to do it also why would any store be open to encourage the gathering of people to possibly set up so many accidents for example walgreens they never close regardless if there is a category 5 hurricane or a major winter storm or even on christmas its communist and unamerican those times should be full of memories from being with family instead of retardly going out and leaving a memory of death from an accident

  2. that is how teenagers talk nowadays!! i thought anyone could comment on it, did not realize that you had to be a english major to do it!!

  3. Being an English major is not a requirement, however, a rudimentary understanding of the language is. You see, my young Padawan, when I read something that has no punctuation (or any semblance thereof) I read it as one long sentence. Three lines into your (admittedly on-point) comment I was starting to turn blue in the face from lack of oxygen to my tiny little brain. It's a pet peeve of mine as I grew up believing that a man will always be measured by his actions and the ability to effectively express himself.

    Why don't you take a ride to Lackluster Video and rent yourself a copy of Idiocracy. It is a brilliant movie that will give you a glimpse into the not-too-distant future of this great nation if we continue on the course we have set for ourselves. It is our responsibility as adults to ensure that we do not lose sight of what is important - not the least of which is the abilty to communicate.

  4. Dude CHILL OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that enough punctuation?????????? It was just a simple point that i was asked to comment on so I did. Calm down, by the way, NO ONE GIVES A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK!!!!
