The milkman, the paperboy, and evening TV.....welcome back true believers! I apologize for my recent absence to the two or three of you that read this regularly. I have been taking care of some things around the house of late and neglecting my ranting...I mean writing. What brings me back to the keyboard this time? Something that has been bothering me for a few years, but only recently become a major source of irritation.
I was listening to my favorite radio program (wow, doesn't that make me sound old???) this morning. That would be the very popular Mike and Bob Show on 96X ( for those that would like to listen from 0600-0900 Monday through Friday). Anyway...Mike and Bob were giving away tickets for something or other, and in order to win said tickets you had to win an on air game. The game they were playing today was Television Theme Song Name That Tune. This is when I knew that I had to write.
While watching your television tonight, I want you to pick a show...any show...and sing the theme song. You can't do it? Is it because you are getting old and your memory is failing you? I say, "Nay, nay". The thing is, there ARE no theme songs to television shows anymore. I remember growing up and watching shows with great theme songs. Songs so good that they were played on the radio! Believe it or Not (from the Greatest American Hero) by Mike Post happens to reside in my 45 collection. (For all of you younger readers, the collection refers to a small piece of vinyl that plays music when rotated at 45 RPM). I knew the words to every theme song from every show that I watched, and recognized hundreds more! When I heard "In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit..." I knew it was time for the A-Team. "Hey where ya goin, not exactly knowin, who says you have to call just one place home..." BJ and the Bear was coming on! Cheers, MASH, Diff'rent Strokes, The Facts of Life, all the great shows of our past had quality theme songs that you could sing along to (assuming you knew the words to Suicide Is Painless).
The shows of today have no theme songs. Take the very popular "Glee"...a show all about singing. What is it's theme song? One word...GLEE! Law and Order...another hugely popular series...what do they have? Dum Dum! (no, not the little lolly pops). There are some very good shows out there today that I can only assume will fail miserably due to the fact that they have no theme song. I am not only here to complain, I am here to take a poll. What is your favorite all time theme song from a television show? As your friend and humble narrator, I will go first. Hands down, no questions favorite theme song of all time has to be The Jeffersons. To this day, anytime someone mentions "moving up" I have to follow with "to the East side. To a de-luxe apartment in the skyyyy".
Long gone are the songs that take up the first one to three minutes of a television show. Bring on more commercial breaks instead. I am thinking of sending this blog to some of the networks and asking them why? Why have they taken away my favorite part of television in the interest of more advertising? Then again, I guess I need to look no further than my favorite music producer, and least favorite rapper Puff Diddy Daddy Farty Licky for the's all about the benjamins baby. Until next time...Stay Salty.
-Salty Dog
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Spitballs of Mass Destruction we are again. We really have to stop meeting like this. No, I am kidding...please keep coming back! Anyway...what kind of title is this? What could I possibly have to say about spitballs? What am I, 14? Nay nay, but Andrew Mikel is. What? You don't know who Andrew Mikel is? I didn't either; until Melanie decided to send me a link to a Fox Noise story about this kid in Spotsylvania,Virginia KNOWING that I would put my fingers to the keys shortly thereafter. So, to sound like that creepy guy on the opening to Law and Order SVU... "This is his story" (bong bong).
Andrew is a 14 year old Freshman at Spotsylvania High School in Spotsylvania,VA (not the home of Whattsa Matta U) For those of you who just missed the Whattsa Matta U reference, for your own safety...turn back now. Andrew is an honor student, he is a member of the ROTC, and plans to apply to the Naval Academy upon graduation. All in all, this sounds like a good, solid, ambitious kid. This is not the type of kid that you are going to find huffing glue in the boys bathroom. So...what brings us to talk about young Andrew Mikel today?
Andrew was hanging out at lunch with some other kids (as most well adjusted teenagers do). He reaches into his bag and pulls out a pen, takes out the ink cartridge and inserts little plastic spitballs. I know..not paper, but plastic!! How dare he? Does he think he is an Amazonian Indian? Is he descended from some African Pygmies? Nay nay...he is just a normal 14 year old boy. He used this high powered weapon of mass destruction to blow these little plastic balls at speeds exceeding 20 feet per second to shoot three classmates. Did these spitballs hit them in the eye? Did they scar them for life mentally? Will they never be able to pull down their Ken doll's pants (hint..plastic balls....) again? I say nay nay...none of this happened, yet this kid is being suspended for the remainder of the school year due to a zero tolerance policy in the school. But wait, there's more! The Spotsylvania Sheriff's Department has filed three counts of misdemeanor assault on this poor kid. For shooting three kids with spitballs!! They said that they felt a pinch or a sting when they were hit. Not that they were broken or bleeding, but they felt a pinch and now this kid's future is going to be ruined?
When we were kids, we got into fist fights in school. What happened? We got in school suspension, or we got a couple of days at home. We got our asses kicked by our parents when the word got home, and that was worse than anything the school would do to us. I had in school suspension multiple times when I was in High School. I think I turned out okay. To file assault charges against this honor student with hopes of a military future is insane! It isn't like the kid brought a gun to school..or even a, he had a pen and some plastic balls. He is not a trained blowgun terrorist from the Amazon, he is a kid! His dad is a former Seabee in the Navy, and a former Marine. I am pretty sure he could have handled his son at home and he would never have done this again. Instead, he is looking at assault charges, and who knows...terrorism?
I understand that after (in best Rudy Giuliani voice)"9-11" a lot of new rules were put in place to protect us all from terrorists and ourselves. The TSA, the metal detectors in schools, the zero tolerance on weapons policies...I get that. What I don't get is who these people think they are that they can expel and arrest this kid because he shot spitballs at classmates? So a pen tube, plastic balls, and some air from the kids lungs is potentially going to cost an honor student his chance at becoming a Naval officer. Step back from the policies people and look at your offender. He is a 14 year old kid, doing what 14 year old kids have always done. It isn't like 7 kids beat up a 13 year old and put it on youtube. Nay, that is a different topic altogether. Someone needs to grab these administrators by the short ones and straighten them out. Until next time....Stay Salty.
-Salty Dog
Andrew is a 14 year old Freshman at Spotsylvania High School in Spotsylvania,VA (not the home of Whattsa Matta U) For those of you who just missed the Whattsa Matta U reference, for your own safety...turn back now. Andrew is an honor student, he is a member of the ROTC, and plans to apply to the Naval Academy upon graduation. All in all, this sounds like a good, solid, ambitious kid. This is not the type of kid that you are going to find huffing glue in the boys bathroom. So...what brings us to talk about young Andrew Mikel today?
Andrew was hanging out at lunch with some other kids (as most well adjusted teenagers do). He reaches into his bag and pulls out a pen, takes out the ink cartridge and inserts little plastic spitballs. I know..not paper, but plastic!! How dare he? Does he think he is an Amazonian Indian? Is he descended from some African Pygmies? Nay nay...he is just a normal 14 year old boy. He used this high powered weapon of mass destruction to blow these little plastic balls at speeds exceeding 20 feet per second to shoot three classmates. Did these spitballs hit them in the eye? Did they scar them for life mentally? Will they never be able to pull down their Ken doll's pants (hint..plastic balls....) again? I say nay nay...none of this happened, yet this kid is being suspended for the remainder of the school year due to a zero tolerance policy in the school. But wait, there's more! The Spotsylvania Sheriff's Department has filed three counts of misdemeanor assault on this poor kid. For shooting three kids with spitballs!! They said that they felt a pinch or a sting when they were hit. Not that they were broken or bleeding, but they felt a pinch and now this kid's future is going to be ruined?
When we were kids, we got into fist fights in school. What happened? We got in school suspension, or we got a couple of days at home. We got our asses kicked by our parents when the word got home, and that was worse than anything the school would do to us. I had in school suspension multiple times when I was in High School. I think I turned out okay. To file assault charges against this honor student with hopes of a military future is insane! It isn't like the kid brought a gun to school..or even a, he had a pen and some plastic balls. He is not a trained blowgun terrorist from the Amazon, he is a kid! His dad is a former Seabee in the Navy, and a former Marine. I am pretty sure he could have handled his son at home and he would never have done this again. Instead, he is looking at assault charges, and who knows...terrorism?
I understand that after (in best Rudy Giuliani voice)"9-11" a lot of new rules were put in place to protect us all from terrorists and ourselves. The TSA, the metal detectors in schools, the zero tolerance on weapons policies...I get that. What I don't get is who these people think they are that they can expel and arrest this kid because he shot spitballs at classmates? So a pen tube, plastic balls, and some air from the kids lungs is potentially going to cost an honor student his chance at becoming a Naval officer. Step back from the policies people and look at your offender. He is a 14 year old kid, doing what 14 year old kids have always done. It isn't like 7 kids beat up a 13 year old and put it on youtube. Nay, that is a different topic altogether. Someone needs to grab these administrators by the short ones and straighten them out. Until next time....Stay Salty.
-Salty Dog
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